Tuesday, November 1, 2011


About 10 years ago I was in a funk.  I was not a happy gal.  I was faking it.  I had just had our 3rd child and he was a sweet, content little baby....thankfully....but I had lost me!  I was willing to do just about anything to find my "happy" again.  Someone suggested that I start keeping a gratitude journal.  Now, those who know me know that I dislike journaling....alot!  So, the thought of doing of journaling about things I was grateful for was not something I was ready to......be.......errr...........grateful for!!  But I was a bit desperate...so I decided to put aside my distaste for it and journal each day.

Each day I would "write" in a Word document 3 things I was grateful for that day.  Some days they were deep and thoughtful and other days it was more like "I am grateful that I got to take a shower."!  It made me focus on the good things in my life.  Sure, I focused still on the things that were frustrating, difficult or sad.  But.......what started to happen was transformative!!

With each passing week of focused gratitude I found myself seeing glimpses of my "happy".  I slowly and gratefully crawled and wrote my way out of that funk.

So, since then I have tried to remain positive and grateful.  It gets hard some days...and sometimes weeks would go by without me listing a few things that I was grateful for.  A few years ago I started "GratiTUESday" on my facebook page.  Every Tuesday I post 2-3 things that I am grateful for.   I find that it has helped me to keep my eye steadied on good things and be thankful for them.

 I am in the process of designing a new sign for our Etsy shop.  I will post photos when it is finished but until then here is the rough layout.....

The attitude of gratitude can be quite life changing.....and life SAVING.

May you recognize the little and big things for which you have to be grateful for.


1 comment:

  1. Love this Sarah and Love the GradaTuesday! Will this sign be ready for your Christmas ship date?

    Kasse d.
